This website decisively proves evolution theory is just an atheist con job.

You may download 3 PDFs that summarize the contents of this website:

Evolution is Impossible

If life originated by chance, so could God

DNA Tests Prove Darwin Was Wrong

If life originated by chance, so could God

May 7, 2014

What is the origin of life?

Most scientists admit they do not know.

But all atheists think they do – all atheists have one and only one theory to explain the origin of life. Every single atheist claims that life began purely by chance and there is no God.

But if life could originate just by chance,

then God could also originate just by chance.

The atheists' theory that life began by chance on Earth was well presented by George Wald in his book “Origin of Life” when he wrote:

The important point is that since the origin of life belongs in the category of at least once phenomena, time is on its side. However improbable we regard this event, or any of the steps which it involves, given enough time it will almost certainly happen at-least-once. And for life as we know it, with its capacity for growth and reproduction, once may be enough.”

George Wald goes on to write:

“Time is in fact the hero of the plot. The time with which we have to deal is of the order of two billion years. What we regard as impossible on the basis of human experience is meaningless here. Given so much time, the impossible becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain. One has only to wait: time itself performs miracles.”

In other words, atheist George Wald and all other atheists postulate that life began by chance and the existence of life was accidental and there is no God or Creator.

And we say -

If life was formed by chance, then God could have also been formed by chance, and therefore there could very well be a Creator.

George Wald was a professor at Harvard University so we guess he must have exhibited some intelligence – but he was obviously not intelligent enough to realize that his “the impossible becomes possible” theory backed him into a corner such that he would have to admit that God was also possible.

Atheists claim that over the course of billions of years, “the impossible becomes possible.” We say the possible includes God.

In fact, God is much more likely than man because GOD HAD more than NINE BILLION EXTRA YEARS to be formed by chance, whereas life on Earth only had less than 4.6 billion years.

Here is why God had nine billion extra years to come into being:

Scientists think the universe is 13.8 billion years old, and our Sun is only 4.6 billion years old.

This means that God had over 9 billion years to develop itself before our Sun was even born.

Atheist Harvard professor George Wald, the revered leader of modern atheist thinking, wrote that in two billion years, anything that can happen will happen.

God had 9 billion years to be formed before Earth even existed.

God had 9 billion years to develop and advance Itself before our Sun even got started. So, according to the atheists' own “reasoning,” in 9 billion years, God not only is a certainty, God also became Supremely Powerful.


by nine billion years


You Can Bet Scientists Lie About Anything Related to Evolution and God



One Athiest Lie After Another

January 18, 2016

Most of the time, scientists are not liars and are genuinely trying to discover and understand the laws of the universe.

But whenever scientists are confronted with anything that has to do with God or evolution, then scientists on the whole always lie to us and they are brazen about it.

For example, until 1956, scientists falsely claimed that humans and apes had the same number of chromosomes and therefore humans evolved from apes.

But the fact is, humans actually have 23 pairs of chromosomes while apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes.  Apes, gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, etc. all have more chromosomes than humans.

During the first half of the 20th century, that fact would have seriously weakened “ape into human evolution theory” because there is no way to explain how apes, with 24 pairs of chromosomes, could have evolved into humans with 23 pairs of chromosomes.  We all know that if we lose a pair of chromosomes, we cannot reproduce.

During the first half of the 20th century, there was a ferocious war between evolution theory and creationism and Darwin’s supporters were extremely hard pressed to “find the missing link.” Darwinians could not find the missing link so they simply fabricated one by faking the Piltdown Man skull. 

Darwinians also were determined to hide any evidence that contradicted their beloved evolution theory.   That is why atheist scientists simply concocted a lie and told us apes and humans both have 24 pairs of chromosomes.   An atheist scientist named Theophilus Painter took the lead and published a paper in 1921 claiming humans have 24 pairs of chromosomes. Other atheist scientists “confirmed” this in other scientific papers.  It was not until 1956 that the fraud came to an end because evolution theory had gained enough support to not need to be buttressed by the 24 chromosome lie.  The “apes and humans have the same number of chromosome lie” had done its damage to the truth - Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung all pointed to the “24 chromosome lie” as a reason for them to ban the teaching of creationism from German, Russian and Chinese schools.

We bet you did not know that atheists claimed that “apes and humans have the same number of chromosomes.”

Unless you were studying genetics before 1956, you probably never knew that scientists used to claim humans and apes both had 24 pairs of chromosomes so we should offer you some evidence for this.  Below is a link to Wikipedia – the link gets you to the Wikipedia biography of Theophilus Painter, the atheist scientist who published a “scientific paper” incorrectly claiming humans have 24 pairs of chromosomes.

It is worthy to note that even now, scientists are prevaricating about this matter and they insist they did not lie to us about humans having 24 pairs of chromosomes.  Instead they tell us they made an “understandable mistake” and it was very difficult to accurately count all the way up to 24 pairs of chromosomes.   

It is absurd for atheists to assert that the counting of just 23 pairs of chromosomes was so difficult that none of them could do it correctly for over 30 years.  Guess what? They had no trouble counting the much larger number of chromosomes for other animals, such as dogs who have 39 pairs.


Welcome to



We are trained scientists and everything you read on this website is based on the latest scientific discoveries published in the most respected peer reviewed scientific journals.


Nothing we write on this website is based on the Bible or any religious beliefs.


But we are persons of faith and proud of it.  In fact, we have no doubt we are better scientists because we embrace Divine Providence, as did all fifty-six Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence.


The only goal of this website is to use scientific methodology to seek the truth and the truth is there have recently been earth shaking scientific discoveries in genetics that now proven Darwin was wrong because:


·        “Ape to human evolution” is impossible - recent DNA tests reveal that ape and human DNA are far too different for humans to have evolved from apes. 


·        “One species into another species evolution” cannot occur in bisexual animals becaue the laws of genetics and embryology preserve each species and prevent any bisexual species from evolving into another.


This website will provide you with details from peer reviewed scientific journals to support all this. 


If you are wondering why you have not read about any of this, it is because a very powerful Darwin Conspiracy, led by atheists, has suppressed the truth about evolution theory and fed us lie after lie after lie for over 100 years.


The Darwin Conspiracy has both faked evidence, suppressed evidence and it currently constantly lies to promote Darwinism. 


The Piltdown Man is an example of the power of the Darwin Conspiracy and how insidious the conspiracy has been.


In 1912, Darwin's “ape to human evolution theory” was at its most critical crossroads – Darwnians had to either come up with the “missing link” or evolution theory would become extinct.   For decades, critics of “ape to human evolution theory” had pounded it by insisting that unless it comes forward with evidence of the “missing link,” then “ape to human evolution theory” should be put to death.


In the fall of 1912, the Darwin Conspiracy was formed and


On December 18, 1912, the Geological Society, with the assistance of co-conspirator British Museum of Natural History, unvieled a faked skull that they claimed was the “missing link.”  Their forgery led to headlines all over the world proclaiming “Missing Link Found – Darwin's Theory Proved.”


The faked Piltdown Man saved Darwin's Theory of evolution from being quickly extinct, and for the next forty years, atheists incessantly cited the fake Piltdown Man skull as irrefutable evidence for “ape to human evolution theory.”


Faking evidence is bad enough but the British Museum and other Darwin Conpirators went much further.  They not only faked evidence but the British Museum insisted on being “keeper of the Piltdown Man skull” and refused to permit anyone to examine the Piltdown Man skull.  In effect, the British Museum said “We have the evidence but we will not allow anyone to examine or verify our evidence and you just have to take our word for it.”


The British Museum claimed they were afraid the Piltdown Skull would be somehow contaminated or harmed if any one examined it.  But the real reason no one was allowed to even look at it from a distance is that it was so obvious a fake.


For over three decades, the British Museum arrogantly denied any requests to examine the fake Piltdown Man skull.  Most of the scientific community did not object because they were atheists and part of the Darwin Consipiracy


But then, Darwinians ran into a problem that forced the British Museum to change its stance. 


By 1949, most Darwinists supported the “Man Came Out of Africa Theory” of human evolution which said that humans evolved from apes in Africa.  But this theory was directly contradicted by the Piltdown Man skull because that faked skull would support the theory that humans came from England, or Europe instead of Africa. 


In fact, in 1949, the fake Piltdown Man skull stood in the way of “Man Came Out of Africa Theory” and several prominent Darwinists, including Louis Leakey (who discovered “Lucy”) convinced the British Museum to allow them to examine the Piltdown Man skull.


A History Channel documentary revealed that Louis Leakey said that the Piltdown Man skull was so obvious a forgery that he could tell the skull was a fake from over fifteen feet away because the coloring of the jaw and skull were different.  This fact proves the British Museum and all of its hierarchy knew it was a fake and also that it was easy for any expert to know the skull was a forgery  and that is why the museum refused to allow anyone to examine it. 


This is an example of how a very powerful Darwin Conspiracy, led by atheists, fakes evidence, suppresses the truth and spreads lies in order to promote Darwinian evolution theory.


We are here to combat the Darwin Conspiracy that prevents you from easily learning about the latest scientific data and information that are related to evolution theories.  We promise to do our best to provide you with only what is factual and true, without bias.






Researchers in genetics and embryology are learning something new every day.  The more they learn, the more obvious it becomes that it is impossible for humans to have evolved from apes. 


We wish to reiterate and emphasize that this website will inform you about the latest scientific discoveries based on peer reviewed research papers published in the most respected scientific journals.


For purposes of clarity and ease of writing, on this website, we will use the term "Darwin Busters" to refer to scientific evidence that strongly contradict "ape to human evolution" theory.


Since 2001, many scientists conducting research in genetics and embryology have discovered more than just a few Darwin Busters. 


Here are four Darwin Busters:


Darwin Buster One: Darwinians have been dead wrong whenever they have claimed that the "genetic matter of ape and humans is 98% identical." The ape and human chromosomes are remarkably divergent and too different for "ape to human evolution" theory to adequately explain.  For example, the human Y chromosome has twice as many genes as the chimpanzee Y chromosome and the chromosome structures are not at all similar.


Darwin Buster Two: There are laws of embryology that directly contradict "ape to human evolution."  One reason is that genes work together in teams to form body parts during embryonic development.  This makes it impossible to add genes to any genome because there is no way to coordinate any new gene with existing genes.  Yet "ape to human evolution" requires apes and humans to be able to add genes - for example, the chimpanzee Y chromosome has 37 genes and the human Y chromosome has at least 78 genes.


Darwin Buster Three: The laws of genetics prevent "ape to human evolution" from ever taking place.  One reason is there is no genetic mechanism that creates new genes.  But "ape to human evolution" relies on apes and humans having the ability to create new genes with new functions.  New genes are required in order to have morphological changes, such as gills into lungs or more efficient brains.  So called "gene duplication" is not evidence that organisms can create new genes.  Although bacteria can duplicate existing genes by mistake through "gene duplication," this only occurs in single sex bacteria and this is not evidence that apes and humans can create new genes with new functions. 


Darwin Buster Four:  Darwinians have no explanation for why humans and apes have a different number of chromosomes.  Darwinians claim that "chromosome fusion" of two ape chromosomes into a single chromosome resulted in humans having only 23 pairs of chromosomes while apes have 24 pairs.  But there is not one example of "chromosome fusion" in mammals.  Darwinians claim that 1 in 1000 human babies have a "fused chromosome" but this is an out and out lie.  They are actually referring to Robertsonian Translocations, which are "translocations" and not fused chromosomes and does not result in a change in the chromosome number.  Besides, scientifically derived facts refute "chromosome fusion" can occur in apes or humans. 


We have just provided you with a summary of four Darwin Busters.  Each one busts and invalidates "ape to human evolution."


But of course almost all atheist scientists refuse to admit any of them because they worship Darwin   And almost all scientists are atheists because people of faith no longer seek careers in science.


Also, you probably have not even read any news about any of this because there is a very powerful worldwide atheist Darwin Conspiracy that actively suppresses the truth about evolution and instead spreads lies.


This is why we created this website.  We are here to combat the Darwin Conspiracy and bring you the scientific information you need to make your own judgment about "ape to human evolution" theory.


To help you to begin to understand the truth about "ape to human evolution" theory, we prepared the following short summary of the theory, and we provide you with some details about the first Darwin Buster we listed above.  In the future, about every five weeks, we will add details about the other three Darwin Busters.





Darwinians have asserted that humans evolved from the African ape, and they have proposed the following theory as to how "ape to human evolution" is supposed to have occurred:




Ape to Human Evolution Theory In a Nutshell


Darwinians tell us that the biological differences between humans and apes can be entirely accounted for in the differences in their genes (DNA).


They have claimed for decades that the "genetic matter of apes and humans are 98% identical."


They insist that apes evolved into humans because of gradual changes to their genome.  The biological instrument for "ape to human evolution" is changes in the genome, especially the genes.


Darwinians further theorize that each such change in the apes' genes was minor but over the course of over six million years, the accumulation of such small changes in the genes of apes resulted in "ape to human evolution."


Darwin's supporters boast that there are "genes that make us human" and that soon they will find and identify all such genes.





In summary - Darwinians claim the ape genome evolved into the human genome through changes in apes' genes and very few changes were necessary because the genetic matter of apes and humans are 98% identical.


But since 2001, scientific researchers in genetics and embryology have discovered proof that virtually every detail of "ape to human evolution" is contradicted by scientific facts.


Below are some of the recent discoveries that prove "ape to human evolution" is impossible.







Scientists in genetics and embryology are learning something new every day.


One of the things we now know is Darwinians were lying to us when they insisted that the genetic matter of apes and humans are 98% identical. 


During the last 12 years, there has been a steady flow of scientific discoveries informing us that Chimpanzee and human chromosomes are so remarkably different that it is inconceivable for the ape genome to evolve into the human genome.  For example:


In 2010, Nature published a scientific paper entitled "Chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes are remarkably divergent in structure and gene content." (Nature, by the way, is the most respected peer reviewed scientific journal for evolutionary genetics.)


The paper was the product of several teams of well-respected geneticists all of whom were fervent supporters of "ape to human evolution." 


Nonetheless, they found that:


  • The human Y chromosome has twice as many genes as the Chimpanzee Y chromosome.  Humans have at least 78 genes and Chimpanzees have only 37.


  • The Y chromosomes of Chimpanzees and humans are radically different in the arrangement of their genes. 


Both of these facts make it impossible for apes to have evolved into humans because there are no genetic mechanisms that would account for the vast differences between the ape and human Y chromosomes.


Below are maps of the Chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes:





The top map is the Chimpanzee Y chromosome and the lower map is the human Y chromosome.


"Ape to human evolution" theory asserts that the Chimpanzee Y chromosome (top one) evolved into the human Y chromosome (the lower one) and few changes were necessary. 


That is obviously baloney - there is no way that could have happened.  


There is no genetic mechanism that could have rearranged the genes in the Chimpanzee Y chromosome to become the human Y chromosome.


The two chromosomes are so different it is like comparing the chromosomes of humans to those of chickens.


The regions of both chromosomes are color coded to identify the gene family or DNA type as follows (MSY means male specific region of the Y chromosome):









The same research paper also revealed that the human Y chromosome has at least 35 more genes than the Chimpanzee Y chromosome.  Below is the gene table:



The human Y chromosome has twice as many genes as the Chimpanzee Y chromosome.  Humans have 41 more genes.


This means that in order for the ape Y chromosome to evolve into the human Y chromosome, apes had to add 41 genes.  In order for apes to add genes, they would have to have a genetic mechanism to generate new genes and insert them into their chromosomes.


But apes do not have any "gene generating system."


Nor do apes have a "gene insertion system."


This means that "ape to human evolution" theory is missing the genetic mechanisms necessary for evolution to actually take place.


This is ABSOLUTE CONTRADICTING EVIDENCE that proves "ape to human evolution" is impossible,