DNA Tests Prove Darwin Was Wrong


Ape DNA is Very Different From Human DNA



Scientists have recently discovered that the DNA of humans is vastly different from the DNA of apes – so different that humans could not have evolved from apes.  This means Darwinians were very wrong when they proclaimed “ape and human DNA are 99% identical.” 


In September of 2012, several of the most respected peer reviewed science journals, including Nature,  published dozens of scientific research papers authored by the US government sponsored ENCODE project. 


The ENCODE project funded 442 scientists working worldwide in 32 labs and they have discovered that at least 80% of human “junk DNA” is not junk but instead is crucial to controlling and regulating all human gene expression and activity.


ENCODE's work is confirming hundreds of other recent scientific papers that found evidence that “junk DNA” is not junk but is essential in controlling gene expression and regulating gene activity.  Junk DNA is actually CORE DNA (COntrolling and REgulating DNA.)


These discoveries are earth shaking and Darwinists are apoplectic because ENCODE's findings totally demolish “ape to human evolution theory” and here is why:


The “junk DNA” of apes and humans are so different they are not even comparable, and therefore, human DNA could not have evolved from ape DNA.  The ENCODE discoveries expose the Darwinians' lie that “the genetic matter of apes and humans is 99% identical.”


To help you understand all this better, below is some background information about DNA comparisons, the origin of the “junk DNA” concept and the Darwinians' “99% identical” lie.





For decades, in every debate about evolution, Darwinians always make the assertion that “the genetic matter of apes and humans is 99% identical” or “nearly identical.”


That would be pretty convincing if it were true.  But whenever the Darwinians say that, they never tell you that they are referring to ONLY the 2% of ape and human DNA that they have labeled as “encoding DNA” – they are excluding the so-called “junk DNA” that makes up the other 98%.


Darwinians claim that “junk DNA” is not active and therefore should not be included when comparing ape and human DNA.


So when Darwinians say “the genetic matter of apes and humans is 99% identical,” what they are really saying is “the encoding DNA of apes is 99% identical to the encoding DNA of humans. 


Darwinians have asserted that the only DNA that counts is the encoding DNA, which represents only 2% of the DNA,  and Darwinians have proclaimed that the other 98% is junk DNA and does not count.  They claim that is the reason why they exclude “junk DNA” when they proclaim “the genetic matter of apes and humans is 99% identical.”


But the real reason Darwinians exclude “junk DNA” is not that they think it is really junk but because there is a enormous difference between the “junk DNA” of apes and humans.  The two DNAs are so different that you cannot even compare them –  the “junk DNA” of apes and humans are at least 70% unmatchable.






Scientists had gained the ability to perform rudimentary DNA tests in the early 1970's.  One of the first series of DNA tests they performed was directed at comparing the DNA of apes and humans.  They expected to find enormous similarity but the actual results were shocking because they found that there was very little similarity between the DNA of apes and humans. 


They found that ape and human DNA was only about 2% nearly identical but more than 70% of ape DNA could not be matched to human DNA. 


This data totally contradicted “ape to human evolution” because if humans actually did evolve from apes, then the DNA of humans and apes would have to be very similar  But those early DNA tests devastatingly contradicted “ape to human evolution.”


You would expect that such discoveries would be widely published because it was so news worthy.  But the discoveries never were published.


Those DNA tests were performed by atheist scientists who worshipped Darwin and evolution theory.  Many of those scientists had earned their graduate degrees based on writing theses in support of evolution theory.  These atheist scientists agreed among themselves to keep the test results a secret and they formed a Darwin Conspiracy to concoct an explanation for why the ape DNA was so different from human DNA.


Faced with the fact that only 2% of ape and human DNA was “nearly identical,” these atheists scientists, led by Dr. Susumu Ohno, hypothesized that only the 2% of human and ape DNA that was nearly identical was essential, and the other 98% was “junk DNA” 


The atheists did have some minimal basis for their hypothesis – it appeared that most of the actual genes were in that 2% and not in the 98%.


The scientists therefore claimed that the 2% was all of the “encoding DNA,” and therefore essential to life, but the other 98% was “noncoding DNA” and not essential to life and therefore was junk.


But we now know that their assertion was based on half-truths, omissions and the concept of “junk DNA” – right from the start it was an insidious lie designed to deceive us.






We have accused Darwinians of willfully lying when they told us “the genetic matter of apes and humans is 99% identical.”


The three sets of diagrams below provide evidence to back up our accusation – the diagrams provide us with side by side comparisons of human and gorilla chromosomes that have been stained with chemicals so we can see “chromosome bands.”


When chromosomes are stained with certain chemicals, different types of DNA will stain in different colors and shades of colors.  The result is chromosomes will show colored “bands” and that gave rise to the term “chromosome banding.”  The colors and depth of colors of chromosome bands also vary depending on the chemical used for staining.


The point is that if two chromosomes do not have identical chromosome banding patterns, they  cannot contain identical DNA.


This first illustration below compares human chromosome 1 side by side with gorilla chromosome 1.  They are obviously not 99% identical.  For example, gorilla chromosome 1 has a medium sized gray banded area at the top  that is entirely missing from the chromosome 1.  Human chromosome 1 has a very wide gray band near the middle but the gorilla gray band in the middle is very narrow, only about one fifth the size. 



Click here to view an enlarged version of the below drawing.




Here is something else we need to understand about chromosome banding:


If chromosome bands are different then it is certain the DNA is different but the reverse is not true because different DNA can stain the same.  An analogy is two parking lots both full of blocks of white vehicles, and blocks of black vehicles.  The color is just one indicator of similarity – but there are white Fords and white BMWs, and some Fords are SUVs and others are sedans.  Similarly, many different genes stain exactly the same color.


Our point is that just because a section of human chromosome is black it does not mean the DNA there is identical to the DNA found in a section of gorilla chromosome that is black in the above diagram.  But if one is white and the other black, then it is a certainty the DNA is different.


Taking all this into consideration, there is no question that the DNA of human chromosome 1 is not anywhere nearly identical to that of gorilla chromosome 1.


Let's compare another pair of chromosomes.


When Darwinians compare human and gorilla chromosomes, they like to use human chromosome 4 as an example, even though they never compare it to gorilla chromosome 4.  Instead, Darwinians compare human chromosome 4 to gorilla chromosome 3.  Darwinians must think we are blind but they claim it is a “nearly identical match.”  Below are diagrams and you can judge for yourself.


Click here to view an enlarged version of the below drawing.




The two chromosomes above are also obviously not identical.  The top parts of the two chromosomes are so different they are simply not comparable.


Let's analyze another set of chromosome comparisons before we give you our conclusions.



Click here to view an enlarged version of the below drawing.




From 1940's to 1970's there were many studies of the chromosome banding patterns of ape and human chromosomes and they all showed vast differences between the ape and human chromosome banding patterns.  This means Darwinians have known for over 60 years that there are vast differences between ape and human DNA.


That is why Darwinians concocted the phoney concept of “junk DNA.”  By claiming that human and ape DNA is “98% junk DNA,” they could ignore as much as 98% of the DNA that did not match up by claiming it did not count because it was junk.


The fraud of “junk DNA” was very costly to humankind because it stifled true scientific research into genetics for decades - most scientists stopped looking into the 98% of human chromosomes that was labeled as "junk."  But that is where all the true activity is.  If it were not for the “junk DNA” baloney, we may now have a cure for some forms of cancer and many other diseases that are now ravaging humanity worldwide.  The answers are in the “junk DNA.”  But we will explain why in another article.